Friday, March 31, 2017

Moist Banana Chocolate Chips Muffins

I have no regret trying out this Banana Choc Chips Muffins.  It is very moist and soft.  After making 12 muffins, I packed some and give to friends.  Also, have to thanks Sharon from for sharing the recipe.

Recipe adapted from:

3 large bananas, mashed
192g plain flour
67g castor sugar
67g brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanila extract
75g melted unsalted butter
1 large egg
175g semi sweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven at 170 deg.
2. Line muffin tray.
3. Whisk together salt, sugar, flour and baking powder using hand whisk.
4. Add melted butter, egg and vanilla extract and mashed bananas into flour mixture.
5. Mixed till almost combine.  Do not overmix. 
6. Add chocolate chips and fold using spatula for 4-5 fold. Mixture will be lumpy
7. Divide batter into lined muffin tray.
8. Bake for 20-25 mins.
9. Allow to cool for 5mins before transferring to cooling rack to cool completely.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Fried Kway Teow

I have been wanted to try cooking Fried Kway Teow for a long time.  Finally, today I cooked it for dinner.  Ever saw blogger, Kenneth Goh, have this recipe and I used his recipe this time.  Thank you Kenneth Goh for your recipe.

Recipe adapted from:


125g kway teow
75g yellow noodle
50g fresh prawns
25g fish cake, i omitted as my family don't like
1 chinese sausage, sliced thinly
Small handful of bean sprouts
Some chye sim
2 tbsp of lard cubes
1 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp of lard oil
2 egg, lightly beaten

2.5 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp sweet caramelized sticky dark soya sauce
1 tbsp plain water
1/2 tbsp sugar ( i used abt 3/4 tbsp sugar)
Dash of pepper

1. Mix all sauce ingreds in a bowl and set aside.
2. In a wok with lard oil and lard, fry garlic till slightly brown. Add fresh prawn and stir fry for awhile.
3. Add kway teow and noodle, follow by chye sim and stir fry till well mixed.
4. Push the char kway teow to one side, add abit of oil and pour in beaten eggs and cook till egg is half set. Stir well all together with char kway teow.
5. Add the sauce in, beansprout, sliced sausages. Stir fry until well mixed. Serve hot.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Butter Sugar Bread 砂糖牛油面包

Recently, this bread is very popular in a baking group.  Alot of people who had tried commented the bread is very soft and method used is straight dough step.  Unable to resist the temptation, I tried this recipe and it is so......GOOD!!!  Thank you Fawn Setoh for sharing this recipe.

250g bread flour
10g milk powder
45g caster sugar
4g instant dry yeast
4g salt
35g unsalted butter (cut into small cubes and slightly softened)
100ml fresh milk (plus minus 1tsp)
1 egg (I use 60g egg with shell)

Additional ingredients:
1 egg for egg wash
12 x butter cubes (2cm x 1cm x 1cm)
Sugar to sprinkle

1. Beat egg and milk together and set aside.
2. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl with hook attachment.
3. Slowly pour in the milk and egg mixture while the mixer is in motion. (I use KA speed 2 throughout)
4. When a rough dough is formed around the hook, add in the butter cube by cube.
5. Let the mixer do the work till the dough pass the window pane test, scrapping down the sides with a spatula from time to time. (took me about 30mins)
6. Smoothen out the dough into a nice round dough and leave it in the bowl covered for 15mins.
7. Portion dough into 12 equal portions (about 42g each). Shape each portion into a ball and line them in a greased 8 inch square pan. Cover and let proof for 1 hour.
8. Preheat over to 170'C.
9. Brush egg wash lightly on the top of the dough. Using a scissors, cut a small snip on each and insert butter through the snip and press down slightly and gently. Sprinkle the top generously with sugar and bake for about 18 to 20mins in the oven until golden. (I bake at 2nd lower rack.) Remove from oven allowing it to cool slightly.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sayur Lodeh

This was one of the buffet dish during my cousin's son's one year old birthday party.  It was delicious and me and my hubby had a few round of helping in this dish.  This morning I was goggling for recipe and decided to use Peng's Kitchen's recipe as a guide and made some changes to the ingredients.  Thank you Peng's Kitchen for sharing the recipe.

Recipe for Sayur Lodeh

1 tbsp of Cooking Oil
2.5 tbsp Rempah
1 Firm Tofu, cut into 4 parts and pan fried till brown
2 Tofu Puff, cut into half
About 200g Cabbage, sliced
1 Carrot, sliced
8-10 French Bean, cut into 3cm length
1.5 cup water
1/2 chicken cube
200ml Ayam Brand Coconut Milk
Salt and Sugar to taste

1. Heat oil in wok. Saute rempah till fragrant.
2. Pour in 1.5 cup of water and chicken cube and let it boil.
3. Add in carrot, french bean, cabbage, all tofu and cover wok to simmer all the vegetables until soft.
4. Add in coconut milk and let it boil.
5. Add in salt and sugar to taste.
6. Serve with rice.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Fried Chicken

A big thank you to Simon Leong in a facebook cooking group.  It is a superb recipe.  Even my hubby commented that these is so much better than KFC.  Meat is very fresh and soft as I bought fresh chicken from wet market.  A indeed Must Try recipe.

Flour Mix
200g All Purpose Flour
100g Corn Flour
100g Rice Flour
2 tbsp Fine Salt
1.5 tbsp Fine Ground Mixed Herbs (thyme, basil, oregano)
1 tbsp Ground Black Pepper
1 tbsp Ground Dried Mustard
2 tbsp Ground Paprika Powder
1 tbsp Ground Garlic Powder
1 tbsp Ground Ginger Powder
2 tbsp Ground White Pepper

1. Mix all the above in a bowl and set aside. Use sufficient to coat the chicken later in a plate. Save the rest for future use.

Chicken Meat
2. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Let it marinate for 30 minutes. Then soak with beaten eggs.

3 Heat up oil till hot about 180C and maintain at medium. Do not fried at high temperature. The seasoning will burned before the meat is cooked.

4 Slice the chicken to cook evenly if desired. Coat the chicken evenly with the flour mix. Fried for about 6 to 10 minutes or till golden brown.