Saturday, May 17, 2014

5k Bread (Butter Bun)

This bread recipe really worth 5 thousand dollar. With this recipe i do not need to buy from breadtalk anymore.

Using this recipe, i made this Heart Shape Butter Bun

For English version recipe, please refer Victoria Bakes

Starter dough
210g bread flour
90g cake flour
24g caster sugar
6g instant dry yeast
240g water
Main dough
210g bread flour
90g cake flour
96g caster sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
24g milk powder
90g egg
54g water
72g unsalted butter, softened

- prepare a pan with base measuring 26.5 x 19.5cm, and top measuring 29.5 x 23cm. if you do not have this, you can use an 18cm square cake pan for this but utilising only 2/3 of the above recipe
- mix all starter dough ingredients dough together and allow to sit in a warm environment to rise till it looks like “honeycomb”
- mix the above with main dough ingredients except butter and knead till it is soft and non-sticky. incorporate butter and knead till it is shiny and pliable
- allow dough to rise till it doubles in size
- after dough has risen, punch dough down and WITHOUT RESTING dough, divide it into 6 equal portions and roll each portion out into a 1m rope. please refer to the same site for shaping of the dough. for non chinese reading bloggers, basically, what you do after rolling out the rope, is to bring one end to the other. then using your left hand to secure the dough, twist the roll inwards twice, and then tuck it (the right ends) into the left side of the dough (where the hole is)
- place shaped buns into oiled baking pan and allow to rise
- bake in preheated oven of 180 degrees C on lower rack for 30 mins
- once out of oven, brush rolls with melted butter

Note: I used a heart shape pan instead of the mentioned pan

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